ABF Medical Request Form

"*" indicates required fields

Choosing the wrong medical or fitness assessment type will only delay the booking progress, incur additional charges to the department and you may end up repeating the whole medical or the fitness test. Before choosing your assessment types, please ensure to consult with your employer and read the guidelines below.

Once you have undertaken the following Medicals and the fit slip is approved, you will need to undertake your fitness assessment.

If you undertake the following Medicals, please see the correct fitness assessment you need to select from the drop-down list.

• BFO Basic Medical => Fitness type: Basic Fitness Assessment (BFA)
• BFO Basic Medical - Over 55 Years => Fitness type: Basic Fitness Assessment (BFA)
• Container Examination Facility (CEF) Medical with Fitness to wear respiratory=> Fitness type: Basic Fitness Assessment (BFA)

If you undertake the following Medicals, please see the correct fitness assessment you need to select.

• Medical type: Use of Force => Fitness type: Functional Fitness Assessment (FFA)
• Use of Force - Over 55 years => Fitness type: Functional Fitness Assessment (FFA)
• Use of Force Instructor Medical (with Lead Testing) => Fitness type: Functional Fitness Assessment (FFA)
• Use of Force Instructor Medical Assessment - Over 55 years (with Lead Testing) => Fitness type: Functional Fitness Assessment (FFA)

Please select medical/fitness type from the following drop-down options
Candidate name:*
DD slash MM slash YYYY
DD slash MM slash YYYY
Please indicate your availability for a medical assessment appointment.
DD slash MM slash YYYY
If availability is limited within the above date range, please further indicate availability below. If left blank, ACH will assume you are available any time within the date range provided above.
If availability is limited within the above date range, please further indicate availability below. If left blank, ACH will assume you are available any time within the date range provided above.

ACH will be sending you an email confirmation with your appointment time and location shortly.